That's the Way by Led Zeppelin | acoustic
An acoustic guitar lesson on how to play "That's the Way" by Led Zeppelin. From Led Zeppelin III released in 1970.
This is another song that Jimmy Page and Robert Plant wrote while hanging out at the famous Bron-Yr-Aur cottage in Wales. Here's a passage that I found explaining the origins of the song: “It was one of those days after a long walk, and we were setting back to the cottage. We had a guitar with us. It was a tiring walk coming down a ravine, and we stopped and sat down. I played the tune [of “That’s The Way”], and Robert sang a verse straight off. [Luckily] we had a tape recorder with us.” Plant remembered that time being just as magical as Jimmy’s telling Hoskyns, “My heart was so light and happy. It was the beginning of a new era altogether. At that time and age, 1970 was the biggest blue sky I ever saw.” I've always really liked this song. It has the same kind of relaxed vibe as Going to California. Although Plant and Page wrote some killer heavy rock riffs, they also came up with some beautiful acoustic songs and this is definitely one of them. It's in open G tuning. At least they recorded it in open G, but slowed down the tape when mixing to give it a more relaxed vibe. Here's an excerpt that explains what they did from the book "Led Zeppelin: The Story Behind Every Track: For my demo and lesson I played it in open G so you'll have to tune down app. a half step if you want to to match the original recording.
I love these types of guitar parts. Once you get the 2 or 3 different chord shapes under your fingers, it's easy to play and sounds fantastic in the open tuning. I hope you enjoy the lesson and that it helps you to learn this great old Zeppelin acoustic classic. Cheers Andy |
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