Eye In the Sky by The Alan Parsons Project | electric rhythm & solo
An electric guitar lesson on how to play "Eye In the Sky" by The Alan Parsons Project from their 1982 album of the same name.
This is another fantastic solo played by Ian Bairnson and another one that's less than a minute long, but is absolutely packed with great, melodic arpeggio based playing. Learning this is an education on how to build a solo around chords and arpeggios, and when you do that your solos will be super melodic. I actually talk quite a bit of theory in this one. Many guitar players are intimidated by theory. It's such a vast area and just the thought of it can be overwhelming but the truth is, you don't need to know everything! If you can get a grasp of just the basics it can really open things up for you, not only on the guitar neck but in your overall understanding of music and how it all works together. I also go over some of the keyboard parts and the overall chord progressions to the tune. I recorded the backing track to this one myself and just faked the keyboard parts with my guitar. It was fun and it's always interesting to see how keyboard players think. I had a great time learning this solo, working on the backing tracks and making the lesson. I hope you're able to get something from the videos. Cheers Andy |
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